- Embracing Alignment and Transformation
Welcome to the next chapter of my Human Design journey—a path that’s been unfolding since 2011. For much of this time, I focused on understanding and guiding my kids, partner, and others, all while completely ignoring my own design. I always had an inner knowing that I was a Projector in Human Design, yet I kept putting myself last, pouring my energy into everyone else.
In 2019, everything shifted. I felt a powerful urge to heal and get to know myself more deeply. This marked the beginning of my roof stage in Human Design, a time for reflection and growth. For the first time, I was ready to focus on me. I decided to dive into Human Design as if I had never studied it before and put the prior 8 years worth of study away allowing myself to gain a personalized perspective.
Up until that point, I had only applied Human Design for others, never fully for myself. This was a turning point.
I embraced my Gate 15 Human Design energy, exploring the richness and diversity of life. Along the way, I met incredible people who helped me deepen my understanding of Human design for self and how to heal the parts of myself that had been neglected for so long.
By 2022, everything began to come together. The knowledge I had gained over the years, combined with my personalized experiences, turned into something powerful. It was no longer theory—it was lived, real experience. This fusion of knowledge for others and for myself became the foundation for my next steps.
Why Deconditioning the Home?
I’ve been on this deconditioning journey for years, but it hasn’t always been easy. Since 2019, I’ve been living according to my Human Design strategy and authority. While that has brought immense clarity, it hasn’t erased the conditioning or clutter from years of living out of alignment—particularly the remnants of my 3rd line martyr phase.
For years, I made decisions, learned through trial and error, and lived in ways that weren’t aligned with who I truly am. Those choices left behind patterns, emotional weight, and clutter that I’m only now starting to fully address.
What I want others to understand is that discovering Human Design doesn’t instantly clear away the past. Instead, it provides you with the tools to see your conditioning and then clean up the mess—but this time, in alignment with your true self.
Now, in 2024, I feel ready to transform—not just in my understanding but in how I live. This isn’t just about organizing my home; it’s about aligning it with my energy and with who I am as a Projector.
This journey is about creating a home that truly reflects our energy, one that finally includes me—not just as a mother or partner, but as a Human Design Projector. I’m done ignoring myself.
As I document this journey, I’ll be sharing the practical steps I’m taking to decondition my home, using minimalism and energy alignment to clear out what no longer serves us. I’ll also dive into the deeper, personal insights that come with aligning my home to Human Design principles.
This process is about more than decluttering; it’s about healing and transforming, one step at a time. By aligning my home with Human Design, I’m not only creating a supportive environment for my family but also stepping into a life that truly reflects who I am.
I’m excited to share this journey in real-time, as it unfolds. I hope my experiences inspire others who are also seeking to create spaces that reflect their authentic selves, and to use Human Design as a tool for personal growth and transformation.